Tuesday, October 14, 2014


i'm not very funny, but i tried...

Displaying the classic "hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil", senior citizens Gary, Hank, Mimi, and Harold upgrade this saying into a more modern version. Mimi graciously flipped off the camera, which added "screw evil" to this well known phrase.

Expressing her blunt opinion to fellow grocery shoppers, seventy-eight year old Barbara Shepard has no problem admitting her hate for everyone. The old lady showed off her inner teenager at the local market,  and helped prove that us adolescents aren't alone in our hatred for those around us.

Overtaken by envy, senior citizen Lorraine Johnson gossips to her friend as senior Bonny Benton proves that you're never too old for a swing set. Bonny didn't care and stated that, "Lorraine's just jealous because her bottom's to big to fit in the swing."

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