Tuesday, October 14, 2014

abandoned theme parks

1. Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan


3. - withered buildings/houses
    - abandoned roads
    - abandoned trains in Galveston
    - Austin Western Railroad
    - a lighthouse


5. This is a photo by David Salinas that he took on an abandoned train car located in Galveston, Texas. It would be so lovely to shoot some photos here for various reasons. Personally, I think abandoned things are awesome. I love the looks of them and how you get this creepy feeling, and I would love to go somewhere like this and take pictures. The whole vintage, destroyed, and withered look really excites me, and I am so jealous that this guy got to photograph a place like this.

6. To get a photo like this I would need my parents to drive me to Galveston. I have my own camera, so I wouldn't have to worry about that. Some things I would need are money, food, and my camera and camera bag, different lenses, and maybe an overnight bag. i would have to pay for gas and food, and also a hotel room if I'm staying the night. As far as travel plans go, I think I would travel down there, shoot the pictures i need, and then possibly spend the night. I may have to have permission to take photos at this abandoned railroad, but I'm not sure. I'd have to do more research.

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