Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

       On April Fool's day in 2009, a newspaper in Israel ran a photo in which someone working at the company used a photoshop program to replace women ministers with men to create an all-male cabinet.  Though the U.S. considers image manipulation a terminal offense, it seems to be a normal thing in the Middle East. Many published images continue to be photoshopped, for example Iran's Revolutionary Guards ran a photo of an missile test launch that was also manipulated.  Digital Photo Manipulation is considered an ethic in the Middle East, and it is not limited.

       I believe that photo editing is unethical, because it is basically lying to everyone who will see it. Altering a photo majorly, as in replacing someone's face, removing a person, or adding to the quantity of the subject, is considered dishonest in my opinion.

I think this photo is the most unethical considering it didn't even happen. The fact that they ran a photo that was completely 100% made up says it all.

In my opinion this is the least unethical photo. I think that just altering the contrast isn't that big of a deal, and it is way better than completely changing the photo.

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