Monday, September 15, 2014

Top 40 Photos

by Aaron Thompson

Looking at this photo, you automatically feel all the emotion that took place in this moment. I picked it because of the feeling it gave me when viewed it. The angle is spot on, and you can see everything that is happening. I think that the emotion on the little boy's face says it all, and that's the reason this photo was picked to be one of the top 40 photos ever.

Again, looking at this photo you can feel every bit of emotion displayed. The photographer used the rule of thirds, which i think makes this photo ten times better. This photo is spectacular, because the photographer captured the look on the mother's face which gives it tons of emotion.

by Marc Riboud

This photo is beautiful. From the colors to the way it was shot, it's just amazing. Not only are the angles spot on, but the contrast between the dark soldiers and the pink of the flower and the woman's suit also make it super great. The photo has this light, airiness to it, and I believe that is how it made the cut.

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