Wednesday, November 19, 2014

my favorite cover


The New York Times Magazine, November 24, The Flight Risk
Photographer: Martin Schoeller
Designer: Arem Duplessis
"For this cover story on the U.S. women’s ski-jumping team, we featured the Olympic hopeful Sarah Hendrickson as photographed by Martin Schoeller. Schoeller captures the competitive spirit of Hendrickson, who wears her competition gear, in her body posture and intense gaze."
- See more at:

The main reason why I like this cover is the contrast of colors and the simplicity of it. The red of Hendrickson's suit and the blue of her ski mask stand out massively against the grey background. Not to mention the lighting and exposure is perfectly executed. When looking at the photo you can feel the immense level of intensity in Hendrickson's eyes. As the description stated, the photographer captured her competitive spirit being channeled through her intense gaze. The white font contrasts nicely with what she's wearing, and doesn't try to steal our attention away from the olympian. This cover is simple, but effective. It's the overall element of simplicity displayed throughout that makes it so wonderful.

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