Monday, November 10, 2014

american soldier

1A) I had trouble picking just one image that was the most powerful, so I chose four of them. The ones i chose were 7, 18, 36, and 47 because of the emotion on the subjects faces.


Set #1 At home in Denver- images #1 through #7
Set #2 at basic training- images #8 through #48
Set #3 in Iraq- images #49 through #70
Set #4 back in Denver- images #71 through #82

1C) The most powerful set was probably set #2 at basic training because there was so much emotion and determination displayed in the photos.

3A) Present tense

3B) the captions help to provide information and tell whats going on in the photo.


Getting ready to board the plane, Ian looks back one last time at what he's leaving behind. The troops were traveling to Iraq that day in order to fight for their country.

The night prior to Ian's deployment, he embraces his friends Buddha and Cody one last time. Ian's short stay at home was filled with tears and hugs.

At basic training camp, doctor Moe inspects and dresses Ian's foot injury. Ian had twisted his ankle during training the day prior.

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