Tuesday, September 26, 2017

portfolio preview

  1. I want to print cutouts of parts of my models’ faces and tape them onto their face using colorful tape (yellow or something), and have a colorful background to make it for funky and pop culture-y. I will be shooting in the studio, and my models would possibly be Ashley Smith, Piper Kopser, Ava Nielsen, or Alyssa Poole (not sure yet, but they asked if they could model for me sometime). I can really shoot at any time of day since it will be in the studio, and I’d like to start shooting soon--maybe sometime in the next few weeks! Here’s some example pictures:

2. I’d like to work on my graphic design/photoshop skills combining two images and cutting them up on top of each other. Basically doing another David Hockney shoot digitally and making them even better. I would shoot this in the studio and edit them to be black and white. Models would be the same as a above.

3. I’d like to do a shoot where my model’s makeup is sort of tilted and not completely on the facial feature they belong to. This would be a fun and interesting way to slightly distort the facial features of my model. I would also shoot this in the studio, and the models would be the same as above probably.

4. I would love to do a shoot with mirrors and reflection. These would also be taken in the studio at any time of the day, but I would also like to do some outside with the reflection of the sky and such instead of just their face. I would probably paint my model’s faces in some way to add to the effect. And I already have pieces of a mirror that we cut up at my house.

5. Lastly, I think that this would be really fun and cool, but I’m not sure how you would do it. Instead of describing it, I’m just going to leave some examples for you to look at. I would edit them to be black and white, and they’d probably have to be taken inside.

6. If that doesn’t work out, then I’d like to do some multiple exposure shots- except I have no idea how to do them! They’d either be edited in black in white or kind of rainbow prism-y colors.

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