Thursday, January 12, 2017

thursday late start 1/12

This year i hope to expand my skills as a photographer as much as I can. I want to focus on doing more of the projects that I have been wanting to do for a long time now, but haven't had the time to. A lot of these projects require a lot of planning and time, but I'm motivated and ready to take them on. I want to try to improve my planning and preparation for my projects, and make sure that I have a clear view of what I want to accomplish instead of just winging it. 

I would like to practice more portraiture while simultaneously using strange props or editing that distorts them or makes the picture a bit weird. I'm definitely going to try to brush up on my photoshop skills, while also striving to create images that I'm proud of.

For Christmas I got some studio equipment that I just need to set up. I would like to work with it a lot this semester as I think it will give me a lot more freedom to do what I want, and to really take a lot of time working with my photography and developing my skill. 

I have a few images that I think would work for the print show, but they aren't what I want. I have some images in mind that I would like to create and I'm very excited to see that happen this semester. 

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