Monday, November 30, 2015

holiday meal (thanksgiving dinner)


  1. i love these photos and i love you :D but seriously, i love your details and the depth of field is wicked. the first photo is a little distracting around the edges because of other objects but besides that they are lovely like always !!

  2. depth of field is really good and i like how a bit of the food is in focus
    maybe other photos of just food

  3. really like the depth of field with these, and the colors look great! I would experiment with different subjects though

  4. i like the various focus points and depths in these photos, i think that looks really good, and the food was captured well. one thing to make work on would be including photos of different subjects, like maybe people eating/preparing the food

  5. i overall its a really good shoot, i love the close ups of the food and all the color, but maybe try adding more than just food such as people

  6. Beautifully done!!! I love how even though they were all taken at about the same angle and focal length, they were all so unique and interesting in their own way. Maybe try to zoom out a bit more to show less detail and more of the whole picture.

  7. i really liked all the depth of field
    different angles would've been really cool

  8. I like the depth of field and colors of the photos, but you could try taking photos from some different angles

  9. I really loved all the detail in your photos. They looked like something out of a food magazine! Next time maybe do a few not so close up, although they were super good. I bet you could've gotten some interesting table setting shots and maybe a few of the people eating. Great job.

  10. i really liked the depth of field
    i think that some of the pictures could of been taken at different angles

  11. I liked how focused the pictures were, you could really tell what the subjects were, but the photos are all closeups, they could use more variation.

  12. I like how the only thing you can see and focus on is the food, but a few guests would be nice

  13. dope af. great job on the food. hmu with that recipe for pie. love the close ups, really captures the detail.

  14. It's cool that all of your pictures are closeups of food, and I like the partial blurry ness. In the second to last picture though, you cut of the person's hand in an awkward place. It's still great though, It's hard to give negative comments on these

  15. Awesome detail and variety of food. Most of these are zoomed in really far so maybe experiment with that, but great otherwise.

  16. Kendall your food looks amazing and you did a great job with the lighting and colors and angles. The only problem I see is that you only took pictures of food
