Friday, February 13, 2015

lone star dispatch issue #4

front page: cancer diagnosis doesn't stop Gomez
theatre teacher and ethnical director, Roberto Gomez, has been diagnosed with kidney cancer. His wife Rachel has been filling in for him at school while he takes time off to recover front an unsuccessful surgery. Many of his old students, colleges, and communities have been reaching out to him in support.
who: Roberto Gomez and his family
what: cancer
where: in his kidneys…. at school
when: now, Nov 7
why: rachel is filling in because roberto has been diagnosed
how: uncontrolled cell growth
quoted: rachel gomez, lauren gomez, roberto
the very last one 

student life: you love em', hate em', but date em'
high school relationships can be both a lesson and also an experiment. many high school students think these relationships are very helpful in the long run, while some teachers think it's to find what you like and dislike in a person. One must make sure to balance school, friends, family, and your significant other otherwise things may get rocky.
who: students
what: high school relationships
where: high school
when: high school
why: they can be beneficial for the future
how: can be lessons and experiments
quoted: anna ambrosino, ethan long
the last one
not really

news: eric moe and nathan hull awarded for art
senior eric moe and junior ethan hull were awarded for their art in the scholastic art and writing competition. out of thousands of entries they were two of the 170 awarded. their works were displayed at the Scanlan gallery.
who; eric moe and nathan hull
what: scholastic art and writing competition 
where: scanlan gallery
when: december 10 to feb 6
why: art competition
how: they won…
quoted: eric moe, ethan hull, caryle brookshire
eric moe's
sort of

sports: three bulldog baseball players sign to continue their baseball careers
 chris logan, kyle gray, and joe davis all sign to continue their baseball careers into college. Logan will be attending ranger college, gray will play for blinn college, and davis for the university of houston. the baseball team is just now kicking off their season and are hoping to make it to the playoffs.
who: chris logan, kyle gray, joe davis, and the baseball team
what: sign to colleges and baseball season
where: bowie
when: jan 23
why: to continue their baseball careers
how: colleges saw them playing
quoted: logan, gray, davis, coach degelia, and sara hughes

Entertainment: Evita takes the stage  
the starlight theater company put together and preformed Evita for their january musical. Evita is abut Eva Peron's rise from poverty to her rise of power in Argentina. The role of Eva was portrayed by six different girls, three for each show, to represent the different stages of her life.
who: starlight theatre company
what: Evita the musical
where: bowie theatre
when: january
why: to portray the glorious and not so glorious parts of Eva Peron's life.
how: many rehearsals we undergone to put it together.
quoted: kalyn holloway, lily howard, morgan martel, paige bradbury, chloe byars, maddy sparks, LaRue.
the first quote by kalyn holloway
sort of

commentary: pushing equality for all (meninists)
with the recent trend of feminism, mainly on social media, a group of males created an account called "Meninists" to mock feminism and to share their point of view on the way feminists see men. Although it is the 21st century, there are still many sexist people out in the world today who treat women differently than they would men. Men currently hold many powerful jobs and remain to be part of the main authority. 
who: feminists and meninists
what: feminism and meninism
where: social media
when: now
why: to mock feminism, to gain equality
how: men continue to hold more power of women and women are being treated slightly different
quoted: merriam webster dictionary, urban dictionary
there weren't really any quotes except for the one in the middle
sort of

In Depth story: hands free cell phone policy enacted
a new law was announced on JAnuary 1, 2015 that prohibits the use of handheld electronic devices while driving. to solve the problem of texting and driving, people can use hand free systems to provide a safer way of communication. there are many people who oppose this law, and many others who are for it.
who: people of austin, drivers
what: hands free policy law
where: austin, texas
when: january 1, 2015
why: to prevent car crashes caused by texting and driving
how: government?
quoted: marielle lopez, lauren guilette, stacy stacher.
marielle lopez's quote
i guess
quote, statement, statement

1. fav photo: the photo of maddy sparks playing Evita on page 7
1a.  it looks pretty intense and i like the shadow/silhouette framing her.
1b. framing
2. the one for New Year, New Blog
2a. its really dark i feel like it could've been taken somewhere else or the settings could have been changed to make the exposure brighter
3. the knife throwing story
4. the photography was good, but could have been improved. i think the weakest points varied around making sure to have the right exposure, and also the fact that the photos lack emotion and action, something that's a really big part of photography. Otherwise, i think most of the photos were nicely taken, i would just have liked to maybe feel something while looking at them.

Monday, February 9, 2015

other high school newspapers

1. my favorite newspaper front page was the Synthetic LH magazine 11-13-13 because the photo and the font go really well together and the whole things gives you a creepy feel. It sort of draws you in. I also liked the MavLife dec 2013 one because the photo and headline was cute.
2. the Synthetic LH magazine 11-13-13 
3. the only headline on this was Synthetic, but the font was really cool and worked well with the photo to give a dark feel to it. One the MavLife i liked he Pride and prejudice headline because of the different colors and the way they put it on there.
4. On Synthetic there is only one and one MavLife there is about five i think.
5. They always have one main photo with a headline on it, which is the main story. They also always have more than one story and maybe some cut outs. 
5. the length of stories, amount of photos and headlines, fonts, 
6. yes, but they were more interesting.

Broadsheets- the Newsstreak, Lone Star Dispatch, highlights

Tabloid- Raven Report, The Lion's Roar, tjToday

Newsmagaine- the View, play, Eagle Eye

Headlines- a display line placed directly over the story summarizing to the reader

Subheadlines- a smaller headline beneath the main headline

Boxes- refers to type that is framed in a border to give it prominence

Photos- Pictures of events that correspond to the stories

Teaser- is often found at the front page and is used to announce a critical story

flag- a stylized signature of the newspaper, the news papers name

Folios- publication information, like date and page, printed on every page of a newspaper

captions- text boxes that include information about whats going on in a photo, often naming the people photographed

stories- any article, other than an editorial page, which is usually devoted to opinion columns by writers other than the paper's editors

bylines- the line that tells you who wrote an article

jumps- the continuation of an article from one page to another

screens- the space above and below the fold

infographics- a diagram, chart, or map that conveys information pictorially.

masthead/staff box- the matter printed in every issue of a newspaper

Thursday, February 5, 2015

front pages of the world

1. United Daily News in Taipei, Taiwan because the fonts and pictures were eye-catching.
2. Considering the headlines are in chinese, i can't read them, but i like the main one because there's more than one color being used.
3. At least three with what look like a few ads on the side
4. The main story always has a dominant photo on it and takes up about half the page. On the sides are either adds or some stories you may see inside, and theres usually one-three more stories under the main one.
5.  Some on them contain more photos (bigger ones in the center and small ones on the sides), some headlines are one color and others are multiple, and some newspapers have color schemes while others just use black.